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Star Trek and “Trekkies”

NBC science-fiction television series (1966–9), created by Gene Roddenberry Originally pitched as a space-faring western, Star Trek was notable for its cerebral engagement with questions of identity in addition to more traditional action, and for the humanitarian, even utopian, project behind its multicultural crew of pioneers. Its appeal lay more in the dynamic between its regular characters—the impetuous Kirk frequently clashing with the cool, logical Mr Spock—than in the crew’s interaction with alien cultures. While white males still dominated the Enterprise, the series broke new ground with the first “interracial kiss” broadcast on American television. Technically a ratings failure, the series was cancelled after three years but retained immense fan loyalty through protest campaigns, conventions and fanzines. It has been kept alive through syndication, a series of feature films, bestselling novels and further television spin-offs from the original premise, including Star Trek: The Next Generation, Voyager and Deep Space Nine.

The degree of affection and involvement displayed by Star Trek fans has led them to be stereotyped as social rejects and obsessives; indeed, the very term “Trekkies” has become pejorative (“Trekkers” is often preferred). Jenkins (1992) has suggested the complexity at work in these fangroups, whose interpretations frequently highlight the series’ egalitarian portrayal of gender and ethnicity. Some, like the “Gaylaxian” organization, are still lobbying for their own queer readings to be incorporated in the current program.

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  • Aaron J
  • (Manila, Philippines)

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