Home > Blossary: Womens Rights in Zimbabwe
Zimbabwe was ranked 72 out of 102 in the 2009 Social Institutions and Gender Index. In 2011, the Human Development Index for Zimbabwe was 0.376, placing the country at 173 out of 187 countries. For the Gender Inequality Index Zimbabwe received a score of 0.583, this placed the country at 118 out of 146 countries with data. In 2011, the World Economic Forum ranked Zimbabwe 88 out of 135 countries in its 2011 Global Gender Gap Report, with a score of 0.6607 where 0 represents inequality and 1 represents equality.

Category: Politics

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Created by: 2la

Number of Blossarys: 16

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The Criminal Law Act (Codification and Reform) 2006 prohibits sexual violence, including marital rape. The Act also prohibits wilful transmission of sexually transmitted infections, including HIV. The Domestic Violence Act of 2007 prohibits domestic violence. The definition of domestic violence under the Act is very wide and includes abuse derived from any cultural or customary rites or practices that discriminate against or degrade women, such as forced virginity testing, female genital mutilation, pledging of women and girls for purposes of appeasing spirits, abduction, child marriages, forced marriages, forced wife inheritance and other such practices.Sexual harassment is outlawed by the Labour Act. Following the adoption of the Domestic Violence Act, the government has introduced public awareness campaigns and an implementation strategy, including an Anti-Domestic Violence Council to monitor the implementation. Limitations on women's reproductive rights also infringes upon women's physical integrity in Zimbabwe. Abortion in Zimbabwe is permitted to save a woman's life or health, in the event of rape or incest or due to foetal impairment. It is not permitted on request or on social or economic grounds.

Domain: Politics; Category: International politics

Kazensko pravo dejanje (kodifikacija in reformo) 2006, ki prepoveduje spolno nasilje, vključno posilstva v zakonski zvezi. Zakon tudi prepoveduje namerne prenosa spolno prenosljivih bolezni, vključno z HIV. Domači nasilje zakona 2007 prepoveduje nasilje. Opredelitev nasilja v družini po zakonu je zelo široka in vključuje zlorab, ki izhajajo iz kulturne ali običajni obred ali praks, ki diskriminirajo ali razgradijo ženske, kot so prisilno nedolžnost, testiranje, ženskih spolnih organov, zastavitev ženske in dekleta za namene umiritev žganja, ugrabitev, otrok poroke, prisilnih porok, prisiljeni žena dedovanja in druge takšne prakse.Spolno nadlegovanje je pritiskal z aktom dela. Po sprejetju domači nasilje zakona je vlada uvedla osveščanja javnosti in izvajanje strategije, vključno z anti-domače nasilje Sveta za spremljanje izvajanja. Omejitve na reproduktivne pravice žensk krši tudi na telesno integriteto žensk v Zimbabveju. Splav v Zimbabveju je dovoljeno rešiti življenje ali zdravje, ženske v primeru posilstva ali incesta ali zaradi fetalnih oslabitve. Na zahtevo ali zaradi socialnih ali gospodarskih razlogov ni dovoljeno.

Domain: Politics; Category: International politics

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